Why is everyone not obsessed with Zooey? Like we are?
- My little brother
Because, Little Brother, they did not watch Almost Famous at one of the Top 4 Impressionable Ages (0, 4, 15, 17 so far) and fall in love with her and everything she said and wore.
Just watch these trailers for some of her new films and tell me you dont't want to bake experimentally shaped cookies, play guitar hero and learn to rollerskate with her!
And hey, I'm sure My New Best Friend Zooey Deschanel would be totally up for letting Paul Dano, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Ed Asner come rollerskating with us.
Actually, maybe JGL can bring along the Russian clowns with whom he gets along swimmingly:
Cause, I mean you know they'd be up for playing Guitar Hero on rollerskates..just saying.
I find it's pretty hard for anyone to appear likeable in those stifling faux conversation clips, but like pretty much all Deschanel's costars, JGL is just freakin' adorable.
Random thought: Devotchka in the Gigantic trailer as well as in Little Miss Sunshine? Devotchka likes Paul Dano. I like Paul Dano. Being even scarier than Daniel Day-Lewis in There Will Be Blood is quite the achievement. Making any impression when DDL is your co-star is quite the freakin' achievement!
I just watched Olive's dance from Little Miss Sunshine. If I were a superhero, I'm certain my power would be digression.
Alright, so back to the title of this post (beeteedubz, not actually planning to do entire posts on one celebrity, just that Lil Bro's comment was too profound to escape blog-bound posterity).
Probably the most important reason I worship Deschanel is She & Him, the pop band of which she is one half, M. Ward the other.
M. Ward is the guy who made me appreciate albums again (no srsly). For these two to pair up was like...if I prayed, I would have prayed for exactly this. No actually I wouldn't have dared. Every song is perfection. You just don't dare ask for something this good.
Okay. Enough fangirling for today.
Photographs of Deschanel kicking musical ass as She & Him, Munchausen by Proxy (the fictional band from Yes Man that I secretly wish were real) and as herself, singing 'Dream a Little Dream' at Erin Featherston's Fall 2007 show. I implore you to seek out Youtube videos of each of these last two endeavours.
Oh yeah and she has killer style.
And you know what..I'm sorry, I can't resist. Munchausen by Proxy:
Some of my motivation behind posting those is a genuine interest in knowing if anyone else finds them as perfect as I do.
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