(Hehe, wouldn't it be funny if 10 years from now that ^ was the title of some children's book, like My First Party, My First Teddy Bear? Not mighty unlikely considering even my cat is considering starting a blog (working title: "A Tortoise Shell's Tales of Life After Boxhab"))
Today I deleted my Myspace account. Shock shock? Horror? No I guess this isn't such a big deal.
I don't think I (or anyone I know really) have used Myspace in about 2 years.
But I mostly got rid of it so they'd stop spamming me.
Anyway, the reason this is mentionable (other than for the nostalgia factor. Myspace was a big deal OKAY?) is the blog on my dearly departed profile.
Looking back at the things I posted in early 2006 is really strange. Okay so there were only about 4 posts with very little text, but it was still like one of those days you decide to look under your bed and find a bunch of CDs and books you were really into and kind of missed.
There were a few Frank O'Hara and Carl Sandburg poems, a cupcake recipe and some musing on a box in the sixth form library that was labelled "goddesses, whores, etc". Later, some friends and I carried out a stealth mission to find out what exactly was in this box. Text books. One of the top ten disappointments of my life, I kid you not.
But mostly there were just pictures and photographs and, most likely, a lot of broken copyright laws.
Because I'm vain and reminiscing I'm gonna transpose most of what I posted when I was 16...sorry about this.
Art and photography
Kara Walker:
Yinka Shonibare:

There was also some Mike Brodie, but I'd like to post about him separately.
Desirable items/style:
Marc by Marc Jacobs:
Calvin Klein:

Derek Lam:

Jil Sander:
Dries Van Noten:
East Spirit for Imitation of Christ:

Miu Miu:

And then there were these, whose creator/designer I can not remember. I do remember that shortly after this I ripped the pink, yellow and blue ones off using Sharpies and a pair of Topshop plimsoles.
I have to say, the sneakers don't really interest me anymore, but I still covet the first MbMJ, the Calvin Kleins, All the Jil Sander, Dries and Prada. The navy Miu Miu heels are still entirely perfect and my favourites out of the above.
Considering I posted this stuff in April, thinking about a Halloween costume was a bit keen. I did end up attempting to make a skeleton costume, but painting bones onto New Look leggings with acrylic paint was not an easy (or very well-thought through) process and I didn't get much farther than one leg. Anyway, the following were the inspiration:
All right folks, I'm done exploring Memory Lane for now!
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