I'm not ready to start behaving autumnally just yet, but it seems my subconscious is already preparing me for cold toes and other wintry side effects. My summer mindset is fading. Even when a sunny day comes along I seem to ignore it and convince myself it's a con. All desires for summery activities are pre-emptively being repressed to avoid disappointment. So I'm in a bit of a self-inflicted limbo - too sceptical of these last bright days to take advantage of them and too grumpy to embrace autumn just yet.
I have looked everywhere but selfwards in attempts (of varying success) to move on from this rut.

I've never been one to do things succintly, so - Optional commentaries (I know this could involve scrolling and re-scrolling, but it's preferable to my ramblings interrupting the pretty pretty clothing):
1. This is just so perfect to me. I had to wipe the awe from my eyes before I even noticed her silly haircut (I'm not very folically open-minded).
2. It's the same chick. And she's making me feel uncool again. What brilliant cases! Where can I get one!? I love the shapes this girl throws with her simple cuts and her badass nonchalance (she reminds me of a spy, reclining for a moment before some sly moves and expert sabotage).
3. Leave a low V bare of decoration and let them swoon without quite knowing why. And hey - where can I find the perfect dusty mauve dress to wear with an oversized leather jacket?
4. A perfectly-belted trench coat followed by bare legs and flat shoes is exactly my kind of winter-time lunacy!
All hail the strawberry blonde pixie cut!
5. I'm not sure I've ever seen white tights executed so prettily.
I find this cardigan particularly wonderful.

More autumn-themed nonsense to follow in further posts.
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